John Simon Weecks
Woodcarvings, Oil Paintings,
Display Stands, Book Illustrations, Jewelry
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A native of Austria, John has lived in France, New York, Connecticut, and Texas, and currently resides in Arizona. He served for four years in the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion (CBs), with a tour at McMurdo Station in the Antarctic with the Antarctic Support Activities. Upon completion of his military service, he attended and graduated from a four-year commercial art program at Paier College of Art in New Haven, Connecticut, specializing in illustration, photography, and design. He worked as an art director for NBC in Texas, designed and made models for the jewelry industry in New York City, and illustrated books for textbook publishers in New York, Chicago, San Diego, and New Jersey. John has also worked on important antique furniture and toy restorations and continues to take commissions for special art projects of interest.